Recent Development Projects

This is the current version of the website.

The first redesign was online from 2016 to 2022.

The original site that I was asked to update.

Hancock Community Education Foundation

I first partnered with the Hancock Community Education Foundation (HCEF) in 2016. At the time their website was using a ten year old layout and the few donations they were receiving online were being submitted through a very rudimentary form. The content was outdated and the group was finding little use for the site except to have an extremely small online profile.

The first redesign organized their legacy content so it could be easily accessed and responsive to all device sizes. I also implemented an easy to use donation form and secured the site. Successful completion of the first round of work improved the browsing experience, moved the site up in the Google search rankings, and increased donations immediately.

The first redesign was so successful that HCEF started to add regular content updates which resulted in the site becoming more dynamic. In 2022, I started working on a new version of the website. To ensure that we could keep the site updated monthly, I switched the framework to WordPress allowing for a more rapid deployment of content, more security controls, and agile design changes- instead of a major redesign every four years, we are now equipped to make small agile changes annually.